To really change the world, we need to reconcile our creation myths.
Creation myths are the stories that tell us who we are, why we are here, and how we fit into the social order.
Creation myths are the stories that make up our foundational beliefs — beliefs that underlie our behavior at levels we are often unaware of.
Creation myths weave together a story of early humanity from the time before writing existed, to the time when written language first emerges. Depending on the year first documented, creation myths can share similar stories, yet vary widely in interpretation.
We can see this by comparing the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran. While they all build upon the story of Adam and Eve, they each end with the birth of a new foundational belief system, supportive of a new social order.
To bring peace to the Palestinian, Jew, Christian, and Muslim, we really need to explore these foundational beliefs.
To really change the world, we need to reconcile our creation myths.